3.2.1. Atomic Scaling: Scorecard

Sep 05, 2024

Happy 3.2.1 Thursday! 🎯 How I use a Scorecard to predict and improve my weekly outcomes.

I've identified one crucial factor that drives my success:

A well-designed personal Scorecard.

Can you imagine?

Your business running like a well oiled machine,

the engine giving the computer the right data,

the computer telling the engine the correct times to fire.

All because it’s tracking the right data & making better decisions because of it.

Through my exploration, particularly in high-performance fields like gaming and business, I discovered that a personalized Scorecard is often at the heart of a business that can achieve exceptional results.

Are you living in a prophecy every week or a prediction?

Below, I share 3 ideas, 2 quotes, and 1 question for you to consider this week:


3 Ideas

I. Designing A Scorecard for Weekly Success:

Start by identifying 5-7 key metrics that truly matter for your goals. These should be a mix of leading and lagging indicators. Focus on things that are easy to translate to your team that they can track as well.

II. Predict and Reflect:

At the beginning of each week, predict your scores. At week's end, record actual results and reflect on discrepancies. This builds your predictive abilities over time.

III. Iterate and Improve:

Use your Scorecard data to identify patterns and make data-driven decisions. Continuously refine your metrics to ensure they align with your evolving goals and challenges. This is the secret path to consistent predictable results that are scalable. If you can get the same results by 2x your efforts, will the same thing happen at 10x?




"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Peter Drucker, management consultant and author.


“Prediction matters as much as production.” - Gabe Newell, co-founder and CEO of Valve


1 Question

If you were to implement a personal Scorecard this week, what would be the top 3-5 metrics you'd track to drive significant improvements in your life or business?

Image of Atomic Scaling book and a quote from Joseph Kim

Let's win together. Let's play,

Ludovic Bodin

Entrepreneur & Investor, Author of "Atomic Scaling" and creator of the 3P3R Method®

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